As you approach Bude the crowds increase, but once you're one or two miles away from the main centre the numbers quickly drop off.
The crowd increased to 20,000 as news of the England success traveled during the day and people came into see the fun.
The crowd increased and some youth who had seen many movies gave a low wolf whistle, at which the girl smiled.
The crowds had increased and he had plenty of cover.
He glanced toward the general store, dismayed at how fast the crowd was increasing.
He dropped two of the pieces, which stopped them a little, but the crowd increased and pursued us both.
The stands, however, were barely half full, although the crowd increased to more than 4,000 as the 52-minute match progressed.
By this time the crowd on the bank had increased and there were excited opinions as to what was best to do.
"Even if the crowds do increase, we'll make every effort to maintain the ease and silence here," he said.
The crowd quickly increased to more than 500 as the demonstrators - shouting "Save the gardens!"