The crowd cheered their British player and hurried to the next tee, which we were just leaving.
Following the explosion, a huge crowd of people hurried to the scene where police and ambulances had already arrived.
The crowds were hurrying past at breakneck speed, as they always did during the rush hour.
The crowd of guests hurried more rapidly than is customary at ministerial entertainments towards the banqueting-room, where a magnificent spectacle presented itself.
It was snowing harder, and the crowds were hurrying to finish their Christmas shopping and get back to their warm homes and offices.
The crowd that had been watching the fifty-foot-tall girl on the clothing billboard get dressed, or reading the latest news about the Hot Truce scrawl itself in yard-high script, hurried to look.
The crowd was hurrying downhill, along a road that ran between thick, high walls.
When he recovered, the crowd was hurrying along, confused and blent with the mighty stream that followed the procession.
But now another crowd of toiling beetles hurried between the buildings.
The small crowd hurried over to Cohen and stood expectantly behind his horse.