The crowd hissed and booed and cried out, "Kill them!
The crowd hissed and booed the jurors, and tried to attack the defendants as they left the courtroom.
The crowd was now hissing and throwing rotten fruit at the block.
The rebels ran in every direction, screaming for help or a weapon or just another chance, and the crowd booed and hissed them.
When the awards announcements were made, the crowd hissed thc winner and cheered Hitchhiker's.
The crowd hissed like snakes and made waving hand gestures.
The mafadet hissed and, as the crowd hissed in turn, its wicked jaws unhinged.
The crowd in the Amphitheater didn't hiss and scream curses at Maniakes when he rose to dismiss them.
The crowd hissed loud enough to be heard in Olympia, the real state capital.
The crowd hissed and called for Ordonez.