They were sitting side-by-side on the steps outside the park dome, enjoying the night breeze off the ocean while the crowds chattered and shouted behind them.
The crowd was chattering, and someone was playing a double flute.
The band played; the crowd milled and chattered.
Around them the crowd moved and chattered with all the clamour of a bar at nine o'clock at night.
Around Gwion the crowd eddied and chattered once more, beginning to resume its own affairs, patchwork-bright in the sunshine.
Pompey caught the eye of a magistrate from the city, and the crowd shuffled and chattered as the man ascended the platform and faced them.
The noisy crowd laughed and chattered, called to acquaintances in the stands and on the field below.
A tangled crowd of castle folk chattered away as they did their tasks, while their children ran squealing and laughing all around the ward.
Shamir gave a lackluster address; as he talked, the crowd milled and chattered.
A small crowd was gathering at the starboard railing near the foremast, chattering to each other in German and gesturing at the water.