They crossed carefully around him, so as not to step on him.
He crossed around it, but again the Warlock had darted to the other side.
As a result, the hostiles let him live, provided he did not cross the line around his house.
The Mongol main forces finished crossing the river around 08:00.
When night came, the irregulars left the forest and crossed the farm country around it.
I crossed wide around the door, so my shadow wouldn't cross the light, though probably with the dark room behind me, that wouldn't happen.
The boy stood with his arms crossed tight around the blanket he'd been given, staring down at the ground.
There are three major rivers crossing the area around Horta.
He left me and crossed around the front of Christine's hood.
We are leaving tomorrow (saturday) and will cross the border to Syria around the 13th of november.