It can be seen that to maximize the force, a core with a short flux path and a wide cross sectional area is preferred.
This program can calculate mean grey-scale value within the cross sectional area of a single muscle fiber.
Hold up is the cross sectional area occupied by the liquid in the pipe carrying the wet gas flow.
This force will be equal to the pressure times the cross sectional area (A ) of the piston.
This may not necessarily be the cross sectional area of the vehicle, depending on where the cross section is taken.
Where stress is a force ( a vector property) divided by the cross sectional area.
The cross sectional area can be calculated easily enough as width*1 micron if that measure is deemed useful.
Engineers commonly cite the cross sectional area of a river.
The cross sectional area of an aluminium conductor must be 56% larger than copper for the same current carrying capability.
Percussion welding is used on materials that have small cross sectional areas.