This crop year has already been disastrous because of drought and insects.
After several bad crop years, they were forced to sell the home.
"We can't finish out our crop year and we're now looking at big losses."
He added: "We will be ending the 1987-88 crop year with some very low stocks."
Kansas, the nation's largest producer, faces a second disastrous crop year.
"The main concern is, will this dry weather continue, will we have another lousy crop year?"
Fruits were grown on 64 percent, or 36,990 hectares, of the area under cultivation in crop year 1989-90.
"Farmers used bad management knowing there was this entitlement at the end of the crop year."
America sold 30 percent of all world wheat exports in the 1986 crop year.
Federal officials, however, expect no great surge in grain exports this crop year.