If the ground is ready, these early crops thrive in the cool weather.
I find it hard to believe that no other crop would thrive where tobacco is grown.
Our crops cannot thrive in this soil, and we have problems with the water.
Assorted crops thrive in at least 50 containers of every shape and size.
Proper care has to be taken as this crop thrives if the soil remains wet and is under water during its growing years.
From afar the fields had looked green and lush, but these crops weren't thriving.
Access to water largely determined whose crops thrived and whose failed.
This may seem strange, as it's only a week after the summer solstice, but Oriental crops thrive in the cool weather of autumn.
The failure had two main causes: few believed citrus or other crops could thrive so close to the mountains, and the land was relatively inaccessible.
The weeds died but these crops, designated Roundup Ready, thrived.