He has a long pedigree, a crooked tail and the drollest "phiz" in dogdom.
Like one kitten with a crooked tail when the rest of the litter is sound.
More often seen perched or flying low than soaring, when wings are held slightly crooked and rather short tail is noticeable.
The larger one was black with a white bib, white paws, a crooked tail, and a complaining voice.
Lost, a gray tabby cat with black ears, a white bib, and a crooked tail.
She has a cat with a crooked tail and too many toes.
It was Hiraz's dog; she recognized the crooked tail and sharp pointed ears.
Blaze's costume is a stylized mountain lion character with red flames for ears and a crooked tail with a flame at its tip.
A tabby cat with a crooked tail hangs around as well.
Their work took a toll, in shredded ears, crooked tails, and rough, oily fur.