Such films have been criticized for helping to create a cultural acceptance of women slapping men, at least as opposed to men striking women.
Human rights groups have criticized Yahoo for helping Chinese authorities identify dissidents who were later imprisoned.
Now he is being criticized for not helping the Kurds to do it.
Consumer advocates have criticized some of these deals for helping management more than they help longtime policyholders.
She is often criticized by her sisters for wearing simple clothing and for helping her two brothers, Nathan and Robert, while they work.
The Russian nuclear power company Atomstroyexport has been roundly criticized for helping Iran build its nuclear program.
The academic community has criticized essay mill companies for helping students to commit academic fraud.
The Israeli asked not to be identified for fear of being criticized for helping a jailed Palestinian.
Since it is not understood, many people with depression are criticized by others for not helping themselves.
"But if you try to bring them into the union, where they'll be paying taxes like everyone else, you're criticized for helping people who are breaking the law."