It criticizes liberals at length for going along with "unreasoning anti-communism."
As an aside, it's funny to watch conservatives adopt the victimization complex they spent so many years criticizing liberals for.
Brian eventually decides to become a devoted member of the Republican Party, and soon begins criticizing liberals.
To the Editor: I give David Brooks credit for criticizing liberals and conservatives equally, but in this case that view is unbalanced.
But then, electoral politics has never been an easy career for Mr. Sanders, a man who criticizes liberals because they are too far to the right.
But the president also criticized liberals who had helped the conservatives "by clinging to old programs and old bureaucracies and approaches that no longer worked."
He frequently criticized black liberals in his predominantly white, conservative district.
Power Line often vigorously criticizes Democrats and liberals for dishonesty, lack of morals, bad judgment and disloyalty to the United States.
If it was such a journalistic travesty for the conservative Mr. Buchanan to have an on-air job, why not criticize liberals who are doing the same thing?
Nixon then reversed himself at election time, criticizing liberals as big spenders while paying liberals "the flattery of stealing their programs."