This hardly places us in a moral position to criticize other countries for human rights abuses.
Possessing a firm national identity, he often criticised rival countries and warned them that they should not "swagger about and be saucy to England".
Even as it criticizes other countries for not doling out enough to the Global Fund, the Bush administration has disappointed many in its own financing levels.
While national delegates are not permitted to criticize countries by name, no such rules bind representatives here from 1,000 non-governmental organizations.
Chinese trade representatives criticised countries which have imposed blanket bans on Chinese food products.
The group has also criticized other European countries for similar bans on religious dress.
They rely on publicly criticizing countries who make these violations.
But we are also frank in criticizing rich countries about how they've failed to fulfill their promises on aid and trade.
We Europeans like to criticise countries elsewhere in the world which continue to destroy their natural forest or to convert them into plantations.
He also criticized countries like France that have expressed doubts about the American-appointed Governing Council.