Please get over your aggressively emotional "how dare anyone criticize Apple even when they're completely wrong" attitude.
"I've seen a backlash, but it's coming from the open-source community that will criticize Apple at the drop of at hat," he said.
So if you're going to criticise Apple when the price isn't lower, be sure check their prices - carefully comparing European and US prices - too.
This is why people need to criticize Apple more.
The term is also used by Apple's competitors when they criticize Apple.
You could criticize Apple for being opaque, deciding they have the right plan and ignoring "market wisdom" (see also: iPad, iPhone without hardware keyboard, etc).
Many industry executives and analysts have also criticized Apple for having hesitated too long about making Macintosh software available for use on other computers.
But in the last two years, relations between the two have become strained because of articles criticizing Apple, Mr. Martin said.
Can't have a good idea get in the way of criticizing Apple for their decisions.
If you think AppleCare is the market solution, why aren't you criticizing Apple for not publishing the failure rates of their products?