He has not been shut down, because he does not become involved in political organizing or direct criticism of leaders.
In 1978, the party followed Enver Hoxha in his criticism of Chinese leaders, and considered Albania as the only socialist country.
What we see in "Barbershop" is social criticism of beloved leaders and institutions - as Eddie says, a healthy conversation where "ain't nobody exempt."
Thats just what they are using as an excuse , to me it seems to be primarily about criticisms of 'social leaders' i.e. politicians .
Mr. Rinfret's criticism of Republican leaders isolated his campaign from the party even more than it had been.
Nor would it be permissible for such prohibitions to be used to prevent or punish criticism of religious leaders or commentary on religious doctrine and tenets of faith.
His work was notable for his criticism of senior American political and military leaders.
Early in the show, people were up on their feet as Mr. Dylan performed "Masters of War," a sharp criticism of political and military leaders.
There was widespread criticism of Republican leaders for their response to earlier warnings and inconsistencies in their statements.
But her criticism of Democratic leaders like Representative Manton and Borough President Claire Shulman caused much grumbling in the party hierarchy.