No one doubts that information security is going to become an increasingly critical topic as the ordinary economy moves into the digital age.
The plays are performed to build awareness about critical topics which are mostly within a political or developmental context.
Virtually no work exists on this critical topic.
"If you use off-the-cuff, remixed humor, it's a little easier to talk about such critical topics."
Privacy during this day and age is an absolutely critical topic, which society has yet to come to terms with.
This decrease, however, cannot lead to the presumption that there are not enough critical topics to write or report about.
The schedule allows both writers to explore a broad range of critical topics in the body of the magazine.
It impedes having an enlightened debate on critical topics.
One would have liked to see even more commentary on this critical topic from so honest and thoughtful an observer.
"But there is insight to be found for hundreds of really critical topics."