Whistler was a very careful and critical observer noted for his "capacity for taking pains".
Mr. Britling is a critical but not radical observer of the national and international scene.
As a result, according to one critical observer, "a generation of people is growing up without realizing that water is expensive to deliver".
It doesn't want to be an outside critical observer.
A native Australian, she had to portray a foreign and critical observer of her own country.
This involved being a critical observer of over 9000 'lessons' in classrooms.
I was a very critical under-age observer of the scene.
The scores do not support his reputation for literalism, but that had been successfully challenged among critical observers long ago.
A more critical observer would have noticed some important omissions in the book's text, however.
To critical observers, the linkage between campaign contributions and the way legislators vote on certain bills is becoming disturbing.