It would require formal reporting on other critical indicators of a company's financial health, like changes in its credit rating or its accountant.
Our comprehensive weight assessment guidelines (body mass index, waist size and body-fat percentage) are critical indicators of heart disease.
This will be a critical indicator that the security provided by the United Nations has worked.
But the declining sales on the newsstand - a critical indicator of consumer interest - set off a war inside the magazine that proved fatal.
All we hear is cuts - but what about growth...and the most critical indicator of growth; jobs?!
The BodyGuardian sensors identify early cardiac decomposition, a critical indicator of heart health.
It is too soon to deliver a verdict on all of last year's choices, much less fully understand the critical indicators.
Ca has received much attention in stellar studies because it decays to K, a critical indicator of solar-system anomalies.
The level of public debt tends to be a more critical indicator while the level of private debt can reflect increasing investment activity.
Response times are seen as a critical indicator of the Fire Department's effectiveness.