Often a boot CD is used to recover critical files and directories in the event of system failures.
(As with any new program installation, however, making a backup of your system or critical files first is always a good idea.)
Borniche kept critical investigative files in his office, forcing the other investigators to bargain with him for their contents; other investigators did the same.
I had to augment this approach by using synchronization tools for critical files so that I still have access to important data when the tubes are clogged.
When the bomb went off, 1,000 computers lost critical files as the code started deleting data.
For $250, you can get a host adapter and a tape drive and back up your critical files continuously in the background.
Imagine that you die with computer passwords in your head, leaving coworkers without access to critical files.
To avoid that possibility, users may also want to consider keeping a current backup of their most critical files somewhere else.
Another component is "tuneup," with access to four critical files: autoexec.
When Elisa's family moved from one borough to another, critical files were misplaced and not found until after the girl's death.