Her work includes critical exploration of shattered visual metaphors in contemporary literature.
She has developed the clinical interview method of the Genevan school into a teaching/research approach, now called "critical exploration".
Critical Explorers creates and shares inquiry-based curricula and teaching approaches that support critical exploration in public school classrooms.
In the process of investigating this question, she has developed a research method which she has called expanded clinical interviewing, teaching/learning research and critical exploration.
Duckworth (2005b, p. 258-259) describes critical exploration as having two facets: curriculum development and pedagogy.
In the context of critical exploration, curriculum development means: the teacher is planning how to engage students' minds in exploring the subject matter.
Considering learning and teaching, critical exploration stresses the following aspects:
In her courses at Harvard University she applies her teaching approach by using critical exploration to teach critical exploration.
To practice a pedagogy of critical exploration, a listening pedagogy, the teacher must be ready to stand out of the way" (Pettigrew, 2007, p. 45).
A recent movement in science education has bridged science and technology education with society and environment awareness through critical explorations of place.