Brecht's intention was to encourage the audience to ponder, with critical detachment, the moral dilemmas presented before them.
But they also view them with a critical detachment, seeing them as particularly crude examples of Arab propaganda.
The filmmaker expresses his main character's rage with such critical detachment and stylized exaggeration that it cannot be mistaken for real bigotry.
The Serbian opposition understood this, and the critical detachment occurred in the last two weeks.
The poet, Laurie Lee, describes his schooldays with critical detachment: but they were boring for him too.
Their stock is falling off noticeably," he remarked with critical detachment.
The popularity of high-end architecture and design has led to a boom in second-rate shows organized by curators with little scholarly background or critical detachment.
Because it has also been underplayed in the interests of religious apologetics, a degree of critical detachment is required.
However, while it is still uncertain whether Murakami can walk this tightrope, the Nara enterprise appears to have relinquished any pretense of critical detachment.
As I kept plodding forward I tried to analyse with critical and cool detachment how the Terranian had been able to see me.