One critic highlighted their "ability to maintain mystique at a time when everything is out in the open".
Nevertheless, critics highlighted the first track "Futile Devices" as being stylistically consistent with his earlier acoustic work.
As evidence, critics highlighted that, by 1999, only four countries had received any debt relief under HIPC.
Other critics highlight that the image derived from the technology does not display the brain's intentionality during the illegal act.
The song was generally well-received, with some critics highlighting it as a stand-out track.
Many critics highlighted the scene with Quinn and Santana.
Several critics highlighted the song's lyrics as its best facet, and described them as a strong female's anthem.
The show was again warmly received but it was the character of Loretta Maine which critics highlighted unequivocally.
Many critics highlighted Pirkis and his character for praise.
The comments below relate to some of the themes which critics have highlighted in each of Sexton's "transformed" tales.