Some critics also deplored the way he treated women in his novels, saying that it was violent and degrading.
Some critics have deplored mumblecore movies as smug portraits of a new generation of privileged white slackers.
He was never prosecuted, but critics deplored his judgment.
Many critics deplore this situation and are deeply invested in encouraging contemporary performances from classical institutions.
Most critics deplored it, but others, including Theodor Fontane, found it contained high artistic value.
Some critics deplored the treatment of the character Dorothy Vallens, who enjoys being beaten up.
But critics deplore this method of cancer prevention and call the argument for it ludicrous.
The critics otherwise deplored that the satires could not offer alternatives.
The missing depth is not the only factor that the critics deplore.
Today, Pak's critics deplore the widespread human rights abuses in South Korea during his rule.