I lay under the crisp white sheet beside Ben, listening to the night.
She extracted a crisp white sheet of paper from the file and handed it to her visitor.
It is a hospital bed, empty; crisp white sheets and a single grey blanket pulled back at one corner, as though in invitation.
Crawling in between the cool, crisp sheets, Janeway smiled a little to herself.
"About now I'd give my right arm if I could go back to sleep between the crisp white sheets of a soft bed."
A short time later, she was tucked in between crisp sheets and was drifting off to sleep.
He sat up in the crisp white sheets and shrugged off questions about how he was feeling.
A crisp white sheet was drawn up to her neck.
My father lay quite still on the crisp white sheets, his face gray as putty.
Why was he lying in bed between crisp sheets, for example.