So here they were in the Botanic Gardens, a crisp afternoon, couples all around, strolling just like them.
Crime scenes are rarely as charming as the one in front of the Trevi Fountain on a recent clear and crisp afternoon.
On a crisp afternoon last week, with the autumn air bearing no traces of rain, the threat seemed not to be registering.
Black and white teen-agers were playing football together on a broad lawn between the buildings on a crisp afternoon.
The crisp afternoon fell exactly four weeks after Sept. 11, when the nation was panicked at the possibility of more terror attacks, including poisoned drinking water.
Camb opened the door for her and with a crisp 'Good afternoon' she took her leave of them.
On this bright, crisp afternoon Ellerbe leaned back in his chair and watched a television showing tapes of last year's Wolverines games.
It stood slightly ajar: The icy air of the crisp afternoon curled its way into the hallway.
And so on a crisp afternoon in June, I went to see Rebecca Gomperts's idea put into action.
So on a crisp afternoon when they could have been in their clubhouse, the Yankees found no shame in witnessing the celebration of a rival.