United States officials said there was a sense of political crisis surrounding deliberations involving the American delegation.
However his position is less certain as the crisis surrounding the National Government unfolded.
The crisis surrounding the tunnel threatens to embarrass the Government, which insisted it be financed entirely by the private sector.
The crisis surrounding London's policing is deepening.
The result, following closely after the French referendum on 29 May, compounds the crisis surrounding the ratification process.
However, her father was unable to find a job because of the crisis surrounding his daughter, and they moved to Denver, Colorado.
This conflict had a profound impact on the Middle-East crisis surrounding Israel.
That is one aspect of the crisis surrounding this constitution.
In the prevailing atmosphere of economic crisis surrounding us, we must emphasise problems requiring developmental responses.
But few topics are more pressing of late, from the chronic debate over climate change to the acute crises surrounding Hurricane Katrina and its aftermath.