One crucial reason was that the financial crises of the major debtor nations did not coincide.
The crisis, ironically enough, coincided with the US military's 'Hispanic Awareness Month'.
The economic crisis coincided with Mr. Brener's slow season, which usually precedes the spring planting.
The crisis in Argentina coincides with growing concern over the vulnerability of new democracies throughout Latin America.
The economic crisis has coincided with crippling droughts caused by the El Nino currents.
The 1985 crisis coincided with a default (then called a "standstill") on foreign debt by the apartheid government.
The crisis coincides with the district's June announcement of gains in student test scores.
On the way into Denver, I checked my office voice mail, praying that my own personal crisis hadn't coincided with any crises for my patients.
Moreover, because the crisis has coincided with the European Community's establishment of a unified market, the community has been accused of causing the economic blight.
This crisis coincided with the hard three final years of his first marriage before his divorce in 1961, the same year that he broke with his trainer Tolush.