Raising his hand, he opened it and showed everyone the crimson tears that dripped down his arm.
One end of the three-inch stalk of grass was splashed with a few of these crimson tears.
There was blood leaking from his ears, and dribbling down his cheeks from his eyes, like dark crimson tears.
Blood spilled down the colorless cheeks like thick crimson tears.
Graves turned to look at her, and blood seeped suddenly out from under his eyelids, running thick and slow down his cheeks like crimson tears.
A blue gaze stared into her mind, filling with blood, dripping wet crimson tears.
And then 'Fall into me, the sky's crimson tears' is everybody's blood flowing into him.
Blood was seeping over the lids in crimson tears.
The young Roland saw the blood-coated broadsword, the crimson tears, dripping slowly from its tip.
It filled his eyes and ran down his face in a steady stream of crimson tears.