He turned it around, pleased with the deep crimson shade of the stone.
His chitin skin flared an anxious crimson shade.
Everything was new: the trees, the rocks, the subtle crimson shades of the dust, even the way the sun lanced down through the canopy.
When her Tohno blood awakens, her hair turns a crimson shade.
In 1921, the Ministry of Military Affairs issued a pamphlet with illustrations of the Polish flag and other national symbols which used the crimson shade of red.
The fringed crimson shades that adorn lamps hanging over the tables recall similar lampshades that many Russians once hung above their kitchen tables.
Longbottom was succeeded by Adams who changed the livery once more to a crimson shade called Madder Lake with yellow and vermilion lining.
The legs of deceased Ibisbills change color to a crimson similar to the bill shade shortly after death.
This one was all dark shades of red: carmine, crimson and scarlet.
Portrayed there, I glimpse over a dozen interchangeable workers, all the same unique crimson shade, swarming around a huge, pale figure, like worker bees jostling around- Ah.