Scarcely had he finished speaking when a troop of bears came out of the hills, racing toward him with crimson mouths and fiery eyes.
A shallow crimson mouth opened there, nearly obscene in its brightness.
The wet crimson mouth was sneering - the sleek dark hair hung in streaks across his cheek.
A crimson mouth gaped open, revealing the whiteness of bone in its maw.
Her crimson mouth moved in something like a smile as she contemplated murder.
Her dark eyes smoldered, and her crimson mouth curved in a wicked smile.
He glared about him, shaking his head angrily, blood drops flying from his crimson mouth as he looked for more threats.
All of the feeder and drainer tubes had been ripped from the man's flesh, each one leaving a crimson mouth that dribbled fresh blood.
Her crimson mouth opened wide, her rich, foreign voice echoed resoundingly.
Rose turned back to smile at Jesamine with her humorless crimson mouth.