In provincial towns like Castlemere even the criminals tend to keep office hours, and a dawn raid at seven o'clock is early enough for most purposes.
The effort stems in part from police statistics that show that convicted criminals tend to go back to lives of crime upon release from prison.
They say that criminals tend to use ammunition sporadically and in such small quantities that a minute fraction of the available supply is all they need.
The SARA model can be very effective, but criminals tend to adapt and find some other form to operate crime.
The criminals tend to be non-violent, but sometimes resort to violence if the victims resist.
Perhaps the most plausible explanation offered is this: American criminals increasingly tend to commit violent crimes rather than non-violent ones.
Eysenck claims that criminals tend to rate highly on two personality characteristics - extroversion and neuroticism - both of which he sees as being predominantly inherited.
Thus, criminals tend to repeat their crimes, and eventually end up facing execution or exile.
He's ever thankful, he says, that criminals, no matter how ingenious, tend to be blabbermouths.