I am currently living on the charity of a friend for housing and a little money that the criminals haven't stolen yet.
The most wanted criminals of late stole figures from a Christmas creche.
There were roughly 200 million firearms in America, and the thinking was that criminals simply stole their weapons from that huge supply.
However, three racist criminals attack Yusuf and steal the chip.
Three incompetent criminals steal a fire engine as a getaway vehicle.
This includes criminals stealing your personal information and using it to take over existing accounts or set up new ones in your name.
In some areas, Tide has become such a hot commodity item, that criminals steal it from stores to resell.
Providing the information asked for enables criminals to steal the account.
So the guards were not permitted any ships of their own, lest the criminals break free and steal them.
Two criminals then steal Digby, and sell him to a circus.