The reference in the briefs to restrictions on "firearms that are particularly suited to criminal misuse" is interesting, and disingenuous.
This could create security problems for building or computer access or potentially enable criminal misuse of a medical account held by an unrelated person.
The criminal misuse of time was pointing out the mistakes.
"They're trying to prove that the firearms industry is responsible for the criminal misuse of firearms," he said.
These findings warrant further investigation into the potential criminal misuse of federal funds.
He was once employed by the government as a cellologist and was arrested for criminal misuse of cellology.
In the event of serious criminal misuse of the website, the matter would be referred to the police for investigation.
Where were all these fearless descriptions of bumbling and criminal misuse of power when they might have helped prevent "needless military action"?
For us, the criminal-law protection of European funds against criminal misuse is a serious matter.