The robbery committed in the tenement near the East River was described as the work of a criminal lunatic.
And when we say this is the beginning of something much bigger they treat us like criminal lunatics.
Broadmoor for life with criminal lunatics as my companions is the best I can possibly hope for, and all the odds are on my suffering an ignominious death at the end of the hangman's rope.
Late in his editorship Murray learned that one prolific reader, W. C. Minor, was a criminal lunatic.
Some criminal lunatic had noted "Transferred from CIA for Special Duty"--and the date.
While the lot of the average prisoner leaves much to be desired, that of the criminal lunatic is much worse.
But experience has shown that it is futile to attempt either to reform habitual criminals or to cure criminal lunatics; so we do not go to the trouble and expense of providing for their confinement.
The country is run by a bunch of criminal lunatics, with Blair as their hired Christian thug.
"The place where they send criminal lunatics."
You mean this criminal lunatic is walking around believing he is in a dream?