A game requires the use of a large cricket oval, many players (40 including interchanges) and several officials.
Cricket is also played extensively with three international standard cricket ovals.
A large oval mainly utilised in the summer as a cricket oval and for general use by the local community.
The original cricket club moved to a different ground, but the cricket oval itself was retained.
The designated campsites are usually on a sporting ground in the town being used for the overnight stop, generally the local football and cricket oval.
It had to be built up by as much as 13 feet in some places in order to turn it into a cricket oval.
Tennis courts and a cricket oval are located here.
Wandin East itself does not have any shopping centre, but has a town hall, cricket oval, tennis and badminton club.
There is a cricket oval for the occasional social game, shaded eating areas, playground and toilet facilities.
The dogs ran on a track that formed a perimeter around the cricket oval.