A crew of volunteers crawls through vehicles as if they're searching for contraband.
As the tired crews of Defense Command crawled into their bunks for a few moments' critically needed rest, the whole Universe around them seemed to have fallen into a whirling paroxysm of war.
The crew crawled from the wrecked and burning aircraft and were captured by German soldiers.
In a cavernous building near Dorval International Airport outside Montreal, crews of workers crawl over the enormous wing assembly of the new Canadair 700, a 70-seat regional jet.
It would be dawn before the crews crawled into their cots this morning.
Scanning the deck, Tas saw that his entire crew was stampeding toward the cabin or crawling beneath the wagon.
It stopped and the crew crawled out of it and climbed down.
"The crews of the picketboat of the warship will be crawling all over this place," she said.
After a sinkhole swallowed a sewer-repair truck here on the day after Christmas, the truck's crew crawled to safety, muddy and mystified.
In fact, the whole crew was crawling back to their posts and instantly rushing to put everything back in some order, but that would take a while.