There, he crept on hands and knees, taking a snakelike course along the rocks.
Bolan let the group go by, then crept forward on his hands and knees.
Boldly, Harry crept forward on hands and knees, ready for a new encounter.
Then he would creep forward on his hands and knees under the bushes.
Thoughts after four years Time is infinite and creeps on knees, made stiff with age.
When Simon descended the woman came creeping toward him on her hands and knees.
Without waiting for an answer, he crept forward on his hands and knees so quietly that they could scarcely hear a movement.
She crept forward on hands and knees, then began to descend, sliding a little, down the dirt toward the ground.
Sera crept on hands and knees to the still body.
These are very convenient when they creep into their huts on hands and knees!