The creek from the south is Arroyo Aguague and originates in Grant Ranch.
The creek however, originates in the mountain range, so this connection is more understandable.
The creek originates at the toe of the Van Trump Glacier and flows south.
The creek originates on Pine Mountain in the Geysers area, near the Lake County line.
The creek originates near Lookout Mountain in the foothills of the Cascade Range in the northwestern part of the state.
All three creeks originate on the flanks of Black Mountain.
One creek, Eiksbekken/Gravsbekken, originates north of Eiksmarka, and portions of it still exist.
The town is nestled on the gentle slopes of a hilly basin from where the creek named Görlitzbach originates.
The creek originates on Welbridge Ridge and descends initially to the west.
The creek originates about ten miles east of Los Alamos.