The creek passes the former Alpha Portland Cement plant, the major industry in the town, and empties into the Delaware River.
The creek empties into the Schuylkill River at Mauch Chunk Street.
Where the creek on this side emptied into the river, a short section of log, torn roots still attached, was wedged between two rocks.
The course proceeds southward in a meandering pattern, and the creek empties into the Potomac south of Sharpsburg.
The creek runs through the town of San Lorenzo and empties into San Francisco Bay.
The creek empties into the Milwaukee River within the town of Grafton.
The creek was named after George Patterson, an early settler who owned the lot where the creek emptied into the canal.
The creek empties into the south end of Lake Sammamish.
A small creek flows through the Wettingerfeld and empties into the Limmat at the Gottesgraben.
The creek empties into Nantuxent Cove of Delaware Bay.