Leading creditors include a bank group, led by Citibank, which has threatened the default on the $2.34 billion loans.
Other creditors could include the city, which paid for cleanup, people injured by the blast and neighbors whose apartments were damaged.
Besides bondholders, other large creditors included a group of banks with loans outstanding to Insilco of $234 million.
These creditors may include foreign banks, private corporations or individuals.
The brokerage subsidiary's biggest creditors include insurance companies, many commercial banks and some of New York's top law firms.
According to court papers, Livent's top 30 unsecured creditors include everything from law firms to set-building companies.
The senior creditors of Integrated include banks and holders of its commercial paper, as well as some bondholders.
They state that more countries must be added to the initiative, more creditors included, and economic conditionalities eliminated.
In many cases, the creditors included the health and pension funds representing former employees of the defunct trucking operations.
The creditors will include Mr. Milton, the students and some airlines.