And the credit-card industry will surely appreciate Quilp's lending policy: "a margin of profit above interest."
Just by announcing its plans, A.T.&T. has become the talk of the credit-card industry.
The measure is favored by the credit-card industry and banks.
Critics and defenders of the credit-card industry have agreed that Marquette Bank opened the door for vast changes in how it does business.
Large banks that dominate the credit-card industry have ignored such state limits and contended that they were exempted under Federal law.
Many Democrats in Congress and consumer advocates have criticized the bill as a billion-dollar bouquet to the credit-card industry.
By buying this bank, Popular entered the credit-card industry.
The credit-card industry sends out billions of solicitations a year and is more than happy to sign up the modern globe-trotting mocha-loving teenager.
"This bill is a wish list for the credit-card industry and a nightmare for vulnerable families."
As the E-commerce pie expands, so, too, grows the wealth of the credit-card industry.