This credit reduces the minimum participation rates the state must achieve to continue receiving federal funding.
A $1,000 credit would reduce a family's tax bill by $1,000.
But a new shared-parenting credit would reduce payments for non-custodial parents who spend at least 28 percent of each week with their children.
The credit reduces taxes and, in some cases, allows cash payments to the working poor.
This credit may not reduce regular tax below the tentative minimum tax.
The credit reduces the buyer's income tax bill (or increases the refund) by that amount the following April 15.
These credits, which can be awarded for good behavior or participation in specific programs, reduce the amount of time a prisoner must serve before release.
A credit directly reduces the tax you owe.
Tighter credit will reduce demand and relieve inflationary pressure.
The credit would reduce the average homeowner's income tax bill by a few hundred dollars.