Translation: Maybe some more credit growth and interest rate reductions, but not during April.
The banking industry views greater credit growth and higher debt loads related to house purchases as a positive.
Back in 2007, the British economy was pumped up by levels of public spending and credit growth that were totally unsustainable.
Targeted prudential measures often appear to be effective in reducing credit growth.
Adding capital inflow controls to prudential measures often seems to have little additional effect on credit growth.
This is an unprecedented level of credit growth, twice the intensity of the Japanese bubble in the late 1980s.
Even though not all episodes of rapid credit growth end up in a bust, when they do the adjustment tends to be very disruptive.
The next few weeks would be crucial, the senior official said, amidst higher inflation than many hoped and "disturbing signs of further credit growth."
The side effects of unrestrained credit growth turned out to be devastating.
- or both economies change and move from cheap credit growth.