Indeed, things may get much worse if the credit contraction spreads to other corners of the financial world.
Also contributing to the downturn in stocks are the beginnings of what may be a severe credit contraction.
According to Mr. Riley, credit contractions can happen for two reasons.
If they stay wide, a credit contraction is likely.
A. There are not many signs of a credit contraction yet, but it is an interesting dimension to consider.
The effect of the European banks' credit contraction on neighboring markets... could exacerbate what is already a difficult situation.
He goes on to defend the funds, which he says have prevented a more serious credit contraction.
The Fed has been looking for signs of a credit contraction there that could push the economy into a recession.
Indeed, rather than entering into a credit expansion, the economy has been in an extended credit contraction.
In developed states, credit contraction is still ongoing, and this is ultimately deflationary.