But it is still a credible and even topical performance: modern homelessness at its most unlovable.
Still, the credible performance of the Domini benchmark is just one factor that has brought more investors into the fold.
I don't think it's the end, we can show a credible performance, show we're good enough and hopefully we might get something.
Mostly, though, the burden of the story, which is maudlin and entirely unbelievable, weighs down even the more credible performances.
Making allowances for six years of spam and cataclysm, quite a credible performance.
"He gave a very credible performance tonight and he should be proud of himself but it wasn't to be."
Can you guess who gives the credible performance here?
And, as every good actor knows, listening is the key to a credible performance.
"We can show a credible performance, show we're good enough and hopefully we might get something."
But we have to put on a credible performance as a serious funder of humanitarian aid.