"The Federal Trade Commission has not brought a single charge against the company, and we are certain no credible charge can be brought," the statement said.
They were willing to overlook credible charges of rape against a sitting president.
Old Court supporters hoped both men would be re-nominated and re-confirmed by the legislature, making the New Court's charge less credible.
It is a credible charge that shames the Serbian cause.
My hope is that if there are no credible charges against them, they will be released.
No clergyman with credible charges "is working in our diocese or as far as we know, any other," he wrote.
The awards organizations and the magazine have a duty to respond swiftly to credible charges of deceit or error and to set the record straight.
Litigation went on for eight years over this, amid apparently credible charges that witnesses had been paid off.
That institutional behavior indicates the need for a few more charts showing what happened to priests with credible charges in their past.
There's never been a credible charge by anyone that he's done anything wrong.'