But was there ever a credible basis for carrying that battle to Iraq?
Texas Air, the nation's largest airline company, said there was "no credible basis" for challenging it on safety issues.
America cannot afford another expensive investigation without a credible basis for proceeding.
What matters is that the creative solution has a credible and realistic basis.
"They make a translation of our programs in their language, in their newspapers, and get out the word on a more credible basis."
The report was ordered by Congress itself two years ago to provide a credible scientific basis for regulating wetlands, thus removing the issue from politics.
In other words, the Council has not succeeded in giving this text a credible legal basis.
This is the only credible basis on which the ambition that all political parties have in common can be achieved.
This provides us with a credible basis to believe that the EU will also benefit from coming enlargements.
To this end, we need a credible and up-to-date statistical basis, to be created under this regulation.