The creature staggered for a few seconds and turned to scream.
His pistol blazed and the creature staggered, but came on, blood pouring from its wound.
Hit full in the chest the creature staggered back, letting out a bellow of pain.
As she stumbled out of reach, the creature staggered to a stop.
Two More struck the second, reeling it around in a circle, but the creature staggered on.
Though the creature staggered in the face of the barrage, it did not stop.
The creature staggered back and even its hold on George began to slip.
The creature pulled itself over the edge of the cliff and staggered to its feet.
Blood seeped from the wound, and the creature staggered back, arms flailing for balance.
Blood spurted from the wound and the creature staggered back, one hand releasing its hold on Angel's leg.