The creature slithered away down the corridor.
Or, rather, the hideous creature finally turned loose and slithered away.
Abruptly, the creature slithered forward to a smooth expanse of floor, and clung there for a moment.
The most horrible creature he had ever seen slithered over the transom, flicking a forked tongue toward him.
He chopped away until the creature slithered to the ground and stopped moving.
Silently the creature slithered back into the water.
Remo watched the sinuous creatures slither over the stunned man who sat sprawled among the bones of the dead.
The creature slithered over the rubble, then extended tentacles to hold on to what it could and stared down into the shaft.
A snakelike creature, over ten meters in length, slithered past.
Mom dropped her to the floor, and the creature slithered quickly out of the room.