The other creatures prowled on the walls, skittering upside down like spiders, wary of the fearless Jem'Hadar.
I straightened up from feeling along the desk top and stood rigid in the room, while an icy-footed little creature prowled up and down my spine.
Unnatural creatures prowled the bleak slopes, and the visitors had to endure the intense heat once they climbed to the top-or perish.
Not long now till night, and whatever new creatures prowled in it.
Other creatures, like that dried-up wisp of a thing that had brought me in here, were prowling about.
The whole idea of running away was a bad one to begin with, even though they knew that monstrous creature was prowling the valley.
Other creatures would be prowling soon, and Jarmon hurried.
In the long hours of darkness, creatures prowled the shadows.
The creatures of the dark still prowled there.
In the infinite darkness beyond the firelight wild creatures prowled, not always silent.