This creature, whatever it was, performed no free miracles.
Only living creatures perform the behavior known as "flocking."
Confining our discussion to the present moment of existence, let us see how such weak creatures perform their part?
When the haunted creature is put into a graveyard, the creature or spell with Haunt can perform an effect again.
This creature performs household chores and is kind to children, as is the character in the series.
Some beneficial creatures perform a specific service by keeping down pests that do harm your crop; others pollinate the plants.
"I do not yet know if these creatures will perform on the other design levels, either natural or imposed."
Cooney obviously doesn't intend to fold, arguing that bullfighting is really about watching a majestic creature perform at its best.
DNA points may be spent on many new body parts, which influence how the creature will perform when attacking or socializing.
Social predation is often very complex behavior, and not all social creatures (for example, domestic cats) perform it.